  • Public
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Interface SentryTransportOptions




Optional _experiments

_experiments: {}

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any

Optional attachStacktrace

attachStacktrace: boolean

Attaches stacktraces to pure capture message / log integrations

Optional debug

debug: boolean

Enable debug functionality in the SDK itself

Optional defaultIntegrations

defaultIntegrations: false | Integration[]

If this is set to false, default integrations will not be added, otherwise this will internally be set to the recommended default integrations.

Optional dist

dist: string

Sets the distribution for all events

Optional dsn

dsn: string

The Dsn used to connect to Sentry and identify the project. If omitted, the SDK will not send any data to Sentry.

Optional enabled

enabled: boolean

Specifies whether this SDK should activate and send events to Sentry. Disabling the SDK reduces all overhead from instrumentation, collecting breadcrumbs and capturing events. Defaults to true.

Optional environment

environment: string

The current environment of your application (e.g. "production").

Optional format

format: Format

Optional handleExceptions

handleExceptions: boolean

Optional ignoreErrors

ignoreErrors: Array<string | RegExp>

A pattern for error messages which should not be sent to Sentry. By default, all errors will be sent.

Optional integrations

integrations: Integration[] | ((integrations: Integration[]) => Integration[])

List of integrations that should be installed after SDK was initialized. Accepts either a list of integrations or a function that receives default integrations and returns a new, updated list.

Optional level

level: string

Optional logLevel

logLevel: LogLevel

Console logging verbosity for the SDK Client.

Optional maxBreadcrumbs

maxBreadcrumbs: number

The maximum number of breadcrumbs sent with events. Defaults to 30. Values over 100 will be ignored and 100 used instead.

Optional maxValueLength

maxValueLength: number

Maxium number of chars a single value can have before it will be truncated.

Optional normalizeDepth

normalizeDepth: number

Maximum number of levels that normalization algorithm will traverse in objects and arrays. Used when normalizing an event before sending, on all of the listed attributes:

  • breadcrumbs.data
  • user
  • contexts
  • extra Defaults to 3. Set to 0 to disable.

Optional release

release: string

The release identifier used when uploading respective source maps. Specify this value to allow Sentry to resolve the correct source maps when processing events.

Optional sampleRate

sampleRate: number

A global sample rate to apply to all events (0 - 1).

Optional sentryPackage

sentryPackage: "browser" | "node" | "react-native" | "electron"

Optional silent

silent: boolean

Optional tracesSampleRate

tracesSampleRate: number

Sample rate to determine trace sampling.

0.0 = 0% chance of instrumenting 1.0 = 100% chance of instrumenting

Default: 0.0

Optional transport

transport: TransportClass<Transport>

Transport object that should be used to send events to Sentry

Optional transportOptions

transportOptions: TransportOptions

Options for the default transport that the SDK uses.


Optional beforeBreadcrumb

  • beforeBreadcrumb(breadcrumb: Breadcrumb, hint?: BreadcrumbHint): Breadcrumb | null
  • A callback invoked when adding a breadcrumb, allowing to optionally modify it before adding it to future events.

    Note that you must return a valid breadcrumb from this callback. If you do not wish to modify the breadcrumb, simply return it at the end. Returning null will case the breadcrumb to be dropped.


    • breadcrumb: Breadcrumb

      The breadcrumb as created by the SDK.

    • Optional hint: BreadcrumbHint

    Returns Breadcrumb | null

    The breadcrumb that will be added | null.

Optional beforeSend

  • beforeSend(event: Event, hint?: EventHint): PromiseLike<Event | null> | Event | null
  • A callback invoked during event submission, allowing to optionally modify the event before it is sent to Sentry.

    Note that you must return a valid event from this callback. If you do not wish to modify the event, simply return it at the end. Returning null will case the event to be dropped.


    • event: Event

      The error or message event generated by the SDK.

    • Optional hint: EventHint

      May contain additional information about the original exception.

    Returns PromiseLike<Event | null> | Event | null

    A new event that will be sent | null.

Optional close

  • close(): void

Optional log

  • log(info: any, next: () => void): any
  • Parameters

    • info: any
    • next: () => void
        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns any

Optional logv

  • logv(info: any, next: () => void): any
  • Parameters

    • info: any
    • next: () => void
        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns any

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